Stuff Moms Say
Requirements to be an Egg Donor and a Surrogate Mother

Requirements to be an Egg Donor and a Surrogate Mother

Surrogacy is one of the most significant undertakings a person can take in her life. When you agree to be a surrogate mother, you are not only giving up your body and your energy, it will feel like you are giving a small piece of yourself. The decision to become a surrogate mother isn’t one that can be taken lightly, according to

Instead, it is a decision that will need to come after willful thinking and even some discussion with your family and friends. Still, those that decide to help another family become complete are giving the most precious of gifts.

As you journey down the path, you will find that being a surrogate mother or a gestational carrier has many positives and you will learn quite a bit about yourself as you help others. Many start being a surrogate mother to receive the financial compensation, but find that they get much more out of it than money.

Requirements to be an Egg Donor and a Surrogate Mother

Some of the most important qualities to be a surrogate mother aren’t things that we can measure or test in a traditional sense – you need to be compassionate, committed, safe, healthy, and mentally stable. You need to be safe while you are pregnant and giving birth so that the baby can be safe – you are an important part of this mixture. Being a surrogate mother or an egg donor means that a lot is expected of you.

Every surrogacy institute and egg donor resource has slightly different requirements for someone to be an egg donor or a surrogate mother. Some of the most basic requirements are the same, however

  •         Between 21-39 years of age
  •         BMI between 18-34
  •         Being a non-smoker living in a non-smoking home
  •         No history of clinical mental illness or current treatments
  •         Have had a successful pregnancy yourself
  •         Certain medications can make you ineligible
  •         Free of certain medical conditions

These are just a few of the most basic requirements. There are a few others that can increase your chances of being chosen as a surrogate. Most of the ones above focused on creating a healthy physical environment for the baby you will carry. Two of the most important ones that often make women ineligible include:

  •         Not currently on governmental financial support or Welfare
  •         Financially sound without help from intended parents

Many women can be wonderful mothers and take care of their families while getting help from the government – and many families have gotten through on government aid. However, this is a risk factor that many intended parents take into account when they are selecting a surrogate.

Women who receive government aid tend to have more stress in their lives and tend to work more jobs, which can make the pregnancy harder.

Being pregnant is a stressful enough situation, so adding to that is worse when the surrogate mother still has to work jobs or faces other stress.

  •         No history of criminal activity/unlawful behaviors
  •         A stable, responsible lifestyle without stress or other risk factors

A surrogate mother needs to be an upstanding citizen. A prospective surrogate will have to give information about her past when she fills out forms, and it is unlikely that an intended couple will pick someone who has a criminal history, even if that person has completely changed over the years.

It should seem obvious why people want to know so much about surrogate mothers and their history – you are giving them one of the most precious things they will ever have: a child. It might seem intrusive at times, but if you work with a qualified surrogacy or egg donor agency, you are going to have treatment that will be respectful and tactful – you do not have to worry about feeling like you are put on show.

Take some time to think about whether or not you really want to be a surrogate, and if you meet the requirements above, then you can move on to thinking about helping a family grow.


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